Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"I Can't Eat Right"....Yeah Right.

With all the things we put in our mouth daily, is it any wonder that rates of illness and obesity are up, that healthcare needs and expectations are higher and that overall people are not living the balanced healthy lifestyles that our ancestors once enjoyed. In the coming days I will share a series of helpful dietary tips. Certainly I hope you recognize that I can help from an information standpoint, but my firm can also help you Have a Wonderful Day and…Eat Well.

To get the ball rolling as they say, let’s start with a few basic food items, all of which are available year round and none of which are particularly expensive (as that seems to be the two most frequent: “I can’t eat right” statements)

A quarter of this delicious melon, that you’ll find on our appetizer plate supplies as much vitamin A and C as most people need in an entire day.

Sweet Potatoes
Served most often with our tasty roast beef, this vegetable is one of the best that you can eat. Loaded with vitamin A, C, potassium and fibre these sweet potatoes can be baked, mashed or boiled.

In addition to being our corporate icon, oranges are nature’s candy and are filled with vitamin C, folic acid and fibre. Call us to try our salmon filet in an orange marinade.

Served up at all of the On The move barbecue events, watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and carotenoids. Perfect for a snack, dessert or dare we say your next corporate event.

Inexpensive, low in fat but high in protein, iron, folic acid and fibre, all beans from garbanzo, pinto, black, navy or kidney can be found on our menus. Try Th’Ombre meal at your next luncheon.

Loaded with vitamin C, calcium and fibre, what better way to tell your staff that you love them but with our Spinach Caprese salad.

If you have any simple interesting items that you'd like to share, please do so...we all need to know that we Can in fact Eat right and Eat Well.

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